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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • A friend was just telling me about these Tiktok dance cults where they house young people and pay them to do dance videos all day. They’re young, get to do what they want, live in a big house, and get paid well… today. You know, ask young gymnists and other sports figures how the retirement plan for young physcal performers is after your handlers have sucked every bit of money out of you there is.

    But how could you tell these kids otherwise? It’s not like sex workers (or any workers really) have infinite choices. You take what pay you can get sometimes to do what work there is. And when that work is hyper-exploitative but still better than any other offer around, what are you supposed to do? It’s be exploited and have your personality stolen to sell to other sex-starved, alienated proletarians; or starve. What a choice.

  • All software is political. What a terrible opinion. If you are security minded, don’t rely on any software you don’t control the source of and haven’t fully vetted. Otherwise whoever developes that code has a back door into your system regardless of what opinions they post on Twitter.

    Moreover, people have rights to the code they write. If I decide that my numeric library shouldn’t be used in missile guidance systems I have a right to demand that. I’ll be ignored, and so I think a person then should be expected to escalate.

    Life is political, and there’s no standing neutrally still on a planet rapidly spinning towards revolutionary restructuring.

  • Valtonen says that this has made the CPU the weakest link in computing in recent years.

    This is contrary to everything I know as a programmer currently. CPU is fast and excess cores still go underutilized because efficient paralell programming is a capital H Hard problem.

    The weakest link in computing is RAM, which is why CPUs have 3 layers of caches, to try and optimize the most use out of the bottleneck memory BUS. Whole software architectures are modeled around optimizing cache efficiency.

    I’m not sure I understand how just adding a more cores as a coprocesssor (not even a floating-point optimized unit which GPUs already are) will boost performance so much. Unless the thing can magically schedule single-threaded apps as parallel.

    Even then, it feels like market momentum is already behind TPUs and “ai-enhancement” boards as the next required daughter boards after GPUs.

  • I’m convinced it’s the whole B-2-B software world at this point. The shit starts at MS (or any of the FAANGS) and rolls downhill to everyone else.

    We’re working on a huge Dynamics 365 thing at work, and one of the third parties we use for automated testing is just… the product seems barebones, is clearly built on top of open source automated testing tool, and is riddled with indicators that barely anyone works there, from the AI help bot to the “submit a ticket and we’ll assign it eventually” approach to all other interactions.

    I looked them up on Linked In and 12 people work there. 8 of them have C-suite or VP titles, and 4 of them are interns from a local university. This is the state of all modern tech: a board room full of investors, a website, and a product barely glued together from FOSS parts by interns. If you wonder why everything feels like a scam now it’s because it is.

  • DS9 is such a funny escalation too. The station is just gigantic, since the D can easily dock at it while only using one of its (eight?) capital berths. But how much of it do we ever see? Private quarters, offices, some cargo holds. The Prominade should be the largest set we encounter but it barely seems larger or more impressive than a suburban shopping mall.

    Something like Mass Effect’s Citadel is how I image DS9 should really look on the inside, and even that’s probably underselling it given these dimensions!

    When you look at TOS as basically a submarine show in space (Roddenberry being a navy man and all), the original scale makes a lot of sense.