Just another reddit exile.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • If you think about time travel seriously, you start to see how truly complicated it would make things. If the multiverse exists and time travel also exists, then inevitably there would be meddlers from the future messing things up. And following that would be those who believe such meddling is dangerous, because it creates more timelines branching off that would accelerate the meddling, until there are more polluted timelines than “natural” ones, creating a future filled with bizarrely chaotic outcomes all branching from the recursive meddling. And so there would have to be some kind of ongoing arms race of preservationists versus people who want to stack the future with timelines friendly to their own cause.

  • It occurs to me that the “healing effect” might in fact be the Travelers, or some other unseen group of time travelers from some point in the future who have a vested interest maintaining events that lead to a specific point in history. It doesn’t need to be some impersonal force of nature making these course corrections.

  • I have maintained from the beginning that his final episode is crammed full of strange details that don’t serve any purpose beyond setting up Hemmer’s survival.

    They make a point of saying that Aenar have different responses to cold. They make a point of saying the Gorn incubate at different rates in different species, and that they require a certain level of heat. They pointedly don’t show him being killed after he leaves the ship - out into the cold, where the Gorn cannot easily incubate. And those are just the major things. There are a lot of little dialogue bits and production details that on close attention seem deliberately seeded in much the same way things in The Wrath of Khan were set up for a payoff The Search for Spock.

    Of course, this could have just been the production leaving the door open to bring back Bruce Horak if they wanted, or to add in a note of hope to soften the blow, but I believe it was a calculated prelude to a planned return.