Yeah, I remember backing it on kickstarter.
Honestly, this is sort of exactly what I wanted out of asking this, thank you so much!
Technically not entirely new, but I’m hoping to introduce my group to Changeling: the Dreaming. It’s a personal favourite system, and I think it’s probably going to work better than D&D for what I personally want to run.
I’ve misread the at proto docs, and understood that it could have been a way to combine twitter with a feed reader, and honestly, that sounds like a good idea for a platform.
For a moment, I thought D&D had a streaming service, sounds like something they’d try.
It feels more condusive.
when the idea isn’t good, you could always play into a common stereotype, like “horny bard” or “edgy rogue”, I guess.
because it’s a general video on soft worldbuilding.
If you want an idea for what sort of characters to run, why not add a chance to introduce foils to your current party?
whatabout Dave Arneson? He’s the other half of the equation.
I gave myself a vague outline of a plan, I’ll wing it.
Creator got done in on rape charges.
I found Changeling: the Dreaming and have never looked back.
Welcome back to alt.*
I wish they’d port reddit’s old multireddit feature over, and make those lists shareable.
There’s too many AOL users.
I for one, welcome the presence of bluesky.
I’m genderfluid, I write whoever I wanna.