Kaiju whisperer. Galactic backpacker. My other ride is a TARDIS.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • This is exactly it.

    I'm moving to China for work, so I'm interested in alternative points of view on Chinese society from the usual U.S. mainstream media CCP hate boner. I checked out hexbear, and… my goodness.

    They cheer for a version of China that the Chinese themselves would be embarrassed by. It's clearly driven by 14-year-old white boy edgelords who are enamored with a hardcore Marxist-Leninist vision of China that never existed, most likely in reaction to a dislike of modern Western capitalism. I mean, they referenced "struggle sessions" with nostalgia and cheer for Bashar al-Assad because China is being friendly to him.

    Real-life China is quite different from the depictions you see on main Lemmy instances, but it sure as hell isn't anything like what the tankies are jerking off to, either.

  • I kinda think Voyager failing the test despite Janeway is still a symptom of a representation issue. The test was designed because there are plenty of fully fleshed out female characters in fiction, but usually they exist as exceptions in a man’s world and creators still feel too awkward writing women to have two or more of them having meaningful exchanges.

    I’d say that despite Voyager being a trailblazer for representation with Janeway, it still had these exact issues. At least until Seven of Nine came along.

    It’s still important to note that the test is in no way a formal analysis, and not even its creator claims this.