yeah that great green dump that nobody cares about
##i want greenland so frigging bad
i want it to be part of america i want us to annex it and make it a state or something because if we had greenland we could build the biggest and best and most fantastic wall the world has ever seen and im not just talking about any wall im talking about a wall that would make the great wall of china look like a tiny little fence and it would be a wall that would keep out all the refugees and immigrants and terrorists and other badguys who are trying to invade our country and it would be a wall that would make america safe again
##thats a big deal thats a huge deal
its a game changer and im talking about the ultimate symbol of american greatness and i know what youre thinking but chad why greenland and my answer is why not greenland its the perfect place to build a wall because nobody lives there im pretty sure so we could just build the wall
heres all we need to do
- mow the grass
- build the wall
- put tanks on it
can you believe it we could be the safest country in the world again and we could be the ones calling the shots and making the rules and its all because greenlamd