Write your data as base64 string and scroll it star wars intro style. Bam, unlimited storage on Google via YouTube once you write an ocr to base64 decoder.
im sure there are some image steganography techniques that could also apply to video. i’d be very surprised if there aren’t people hiding data in videos already.
I still remember how ludicrous it was when Gmail offered 1GB for free. What did Hotmail give us? Like 50Mbs?
I remember when Google offered “unlimited” for free.
They still do if you can store data as a video file on Youtube.
Write your data as base64 string and scroll it star wars intro style. Bam, unlimited storage on Google via YouTube once you write an ocr to base64 decoder.
im sure there are some image steganography techniques that could also apply to video. i’d be very surprised if there aren’t people hiding data in videos already.
There are. A few months ago I’ve seen a Github project aimed at exactly that, already functional at the time
P.S. found https://github.com/DvorakDwarf/Infinite-Storage-Glitch
Until your video gets compressed — anything that damages the pixels would probably destroy the data completely.
I’ve definitely seen image steganography techniques that survive lossy compression.
I’m pretty sure I have 1TB of storage on yahoo email.
…Yahoo though, so I’m moving to proton
@grue @AbsurdityAccelerator Google bad.
I started with Hotmail back when it was 2 mb.
Wow. I guess we didn’t really send attachments that often back then and 2mb was plenty.
Well and the attachments we did send were rarely anywhere close to 2MB. Uploading 2MBs on dial-up was TORTURE, especially my shitty rural dial-up.
Spending fuckin a half hour to download a shitty quality mp3 of FFVIII Eyes on Me using a download resumer after it fuCKING FAILED FOR THE THIRD TIME
I think it was 15mb but don’t really remember fully
15GB. And if you had 365 it’s 50GB.
I am talking way back in the day.
2MB iirc