Don't worry, I wouldn't do things like this in JSON. Nevertheless, it can be very useful to have comments along with configuration values, for example to explain the actual values (not their purpose) and why they were chosen. That's information you can't add to the code which processes the values.
Ideally, you would use TOML for human-readable configuration and document your JSON API with external documentation instead of sending comments around a bunch. If you need to display the description to the end user though, that would be a valid use case.
json with comments can be parsed by a yaml parser. It’s how I write yaml, in fact (yaml is a superset of json. any valid json is valid yaml, but it also supports comments)
A lot of good answers but I would add one note:
Of course it does!
{ comment: "This data is super important and it runs the system or something", data: ["Some", "stuff", "here"] }
You disgust me
How do you comment multiple properties separately?
Please don't actually do this. Comment stuff in the code and documentation, not the JSON.
Don't worry, I wouldn't do things like this in JSON. Nevertheless, it can be very useful to have comments along with configuration values, for example to explain the actual values (not their purpose) and why they were chosen. That's information you can't add to the code which processes the values.
This is actually pretty genius, why haven’t ever thought of that?
It’s so easy to use, and you can read the comments from in your program too!
^(in case you weren’t just playing along, please never do comments this way)
I liked the idea to be honest. I can just call the entry “description” instead and all is good ^^
Ideally, you would use TOML for human-readable configuration and document your JSON API with external documentation instead of sending comments around a bunch. If you need to display the description to the end user though, that would be a valid use case.
I believe the JSON deserializer .NET ships with has options to allow C#-style comments in JSON files.
JSON5 is a superset of JSON that supports comments.
json with comments can be parsed by a yaml parser. It’s how I write yaml, in fact (yaml is a superset of json. any valid json is valid yaml, but it also supports comments)