I’m using the app for about a week and like it a lot but it uses a lot of battery (sometimes about 30% in 1.5h). Is this normal or could it be some config problem?
I’m using the app for about a week and like it a lot but it uses a lot of battery (sometimes about 30% in 1.5h). Is this normal or could it be some config problem?
Thank you for providing me your settings. My current hunch is that the high battery drain is primarily due to “Mark posts as read on scroll”. The logic for this feature isn’t super optimized so I do have some optimizations planned for the next release.
There are some things that cannot really be optimized though. Specifically, when marking a post as read a network call must be fired to tell the server the post is read. If you tend to scroll very fast this can generated a large number of network calls which is generally not great for battery usage.
Anyways I’ll follow up here once the release is out.