Yes siree, the excitement never stops!

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023

  • Neither does the fact that they gave up the email account of a climate protestor when subpoena’d to do so, but everyone wants to just memory hole that whenever I bring it up on lemmy or scream about how /obviously/ a company that presents itself as secure and privacy respecting has to comply with the law!

    Nevermind that there are more secure and privacy respecting alternatives for both VPNs and Email. Shh. Not important.

  • Unfortunately as I am on mobile I cannot dm… but this may be an interesting discussion:

    Is it any kind of possible to buy a kind of kit to essentially hybridize an existing bike into, if not a fully hybrid vehicle, at least something that would charge a battery system as you drive?

    I realize the most likely answer to this is basically you would have to re-engineer the bike considerably, even if youre not trying to work an electric motor and hybrid drive system into the thing, there are likely a slew of problems.

    That being said… maybe someone has attempted this?

    Seems like hybrid motorcycles are just barely a thing that exists for purchase… but I have not been able to find any where on the internet detailing trying to hybridize an existing bike.

  • Yeah… what this likely means is one or both of two things, for this Portal Demake and the Source 2 TF2 thing mentioned by another below:

    1: Valve is still quite protective of their IP and may be working on their own new releases of some kind in these IP franchises.


    2: Valve is still quite protective of these IPs and may have identified something like serious misconduct regarding something about these particular projects, or the people working on them… or they just are not looking to be even good quality games, and Valve does not want their actual games to be associated with or confused with games they expect to be of low quality.

    I realize option 2 there is a bitter pill for many to swallow, but we are talking about a gaming company that is fairly well known for taking actually good mod ideas and at least attempting to hire or in some capacity work with the devs to create what often turned out to be successful games.

    They are notorious for high standards in their own IPs. You’ve got Black Mesa and I think theres one HL2 mod that focuses on you as Commander Shepard from Opposing Force that were both actually greenlit to be sold, for money, as games on Steam, as well as a large number of successful HL2 mods that were not cancelled and are distributed for free by Steam, including Entropy Zero 1/2 and MINERVA.

    Its actually pretty uncommon for Valve to DMCA Cease and Desist over mods… theres probably more at play here than just Valve are big meanie heads.

  • The person you are replying to is not being judgemental.

    No judgement was mentioned.

    They just described a gameplay loop, didn’t say it was good or bad or boring or easy or fun or difficult.

    Even if they had, you can have a personal preference about something inconsequential and not use it to judge others.

    I do not get the appeal of idle games, but I dont think that people who do are being judged in any kind of way by me for having different game preferences alone.

    I do not usually prefer or enjoy playing basically turn based JRPGs in general because I usually just get really bored of the gameplay and find it repetitive and unchallenging, but the only judgement I could possibly make about such people from those who do, knowing only that they like JRPGs is that they like grand and epic stories, and they are probably more interested in a graphically engaging story and hey maybe they like the gameplay or maybe that’s not even what’s important to them, they really just like a semi interactive well told narrative.

    Some people want a game that doesn’t require the kinds of gameplay I prefer, and that doesn’t mean anything other than they prefer a different kind of gameplay, or they’re in the mood to experience the next saga of a narrative they love, or both!

    I do not think they are bad or weird for this, just different in a way that is probably unimportant and neutral on a personal level.