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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023


  • Thank you for your weird opinion, but a commercial company can only dismiss something in their own perception.

    Which doesn’t have any obligatory influence upon EU’s existence or SW fandom.

    Also most of the EU is very much not garbage, many parts on par with Heinlein and Asimov and Philip K. Dick.

    I suggest you educate yourself, it’s both embarrassing and impolite to insult books you hadn’t read.

    EDIT: Point being - of course it still matters.

  • Well, for me voice commands are not as important as the simulation of commanding a ship.

    Maybe I still want a SW-themed Battlecruiser Millennium with more intuitive controls. So that you could sit in a fighter cockpit and command your wingmen, or sit on the bridge and give orders to officers in their roles, in general take any role on that ship. And with some personnel management like in Silent Hunter.

    And with some ship selection, of course. Nebulon-B is different from a CR70, and commanding an ISD-II, eh, I guess without the ability to command that the game won’t be popular among SW fans.

    Well, maybe still without taking any role. Like Sea Dogs in space.

  • To your first point, that’s fair but Trek and Wars are just different things and the same thing at the same time.

    It’s like Catholicism and Lutheranism, don’t know which is which in this analogy.

    Star Wars has fairy tales, magic, great crusades and ancient empires, all not very openly or loudly being based on pretty rational laws, actually reminiscent of the Foundation books.

    Star Trek has some ideal world, where everything is kinda futuristic and rational, but the balance doesn’t even up, and its philosophy is less rational.

    That’s subjective and not to insult anybody. I think SW is much wiser than ST, and it’s clear most people here think the opposite and I’m not insulted by that.

    The only time Star Wars tried to add hard science to it,

    Eh, Star Wars actually has it in more places than one. It’s just very high-level about describing it, not getting into details too much, but the high-level part makes sense. I’m talking about the way hyperdrives work in Star Wars, and the computers there, and shields, and weapons, and many stuff. “Sith magic” included, yes.

    Star Wars is science fantasy, not fiction, and introducing explanations start stripping the world of its mystery and awe. It also just didn’t jive with the vibe already established. It was basically someone just saying “Um actually, it’s not mystical. It’s just science.”

    I actually agree with the guy answering you. Star Wars’ problems with being SF are less fundamental than those of ST.

    And Obi-Wan says that in essence it’s still “just science” in the very beginning, with it being quite a bit religious and mystical, yes.

    Which is what Star Wars is, a world of fairy-tale magic somewhere low and in philosophy not being really magic. It didn’t spoil the thing for most people actually familiar with the Expanded Universe, only for those who wanted to pretend to be “old fans” TBF.

    It’s actually the spirit of it.

    Star Trek on the other hand actively tries to explain everything all the time anyway.

    Well, folk medicine does that too, but at the same time ST is less hard on fundamental laws of the universe than SW.

  • We-ell, it inspired me to respect Star Wars more. Hard to take seriously people laughing about midichlorians and space wizards, and at the same time being serious about transporters and creating matter from nothing and all that “post-scarcity” stuff.

    Also Star Trek: Bridge Commander is an awesome game, simpler than something like Battlecruiser Millennium, but still cool. It’s the Star Wars game I’d like to see minus Star Wars.

  • Normies at this point are trained like Pavlov’s dogs to ignore the very possibility to treat these big companies as they should be treated by law.

    They are irrationally afraid that Earth will split in half and become infested by goblins if there’s no Apple, just separate Apple Computer, Apple Mobile, Apple Music, Apple TV, Applesoft - I want to see this - and so on, no Google, just separate Google Search, Google Mobile, Googlesoft - ok, not as funny, - etc, Microsoft is a small company and there are also Microhard and Microcloud …

    Apocalypse didn’t happen when AT&T was broken up. Nokia wasn’t broken up by regulators, but that didn’t lead to an apocalypse too, while still was a bad thing. DEC or Sun going down didn’t cause apocalypse.