Admiral Patrick

I’m surprisingly level-headed for being a walking knot of anxiety.

Ask me anything.

I also develop Tesseract UI for Lemmy/Sublinks

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  • 62 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • If you need a printer now, I’d just make the best of it while saving for a good laser printer. The vertical alignment may be able to be fixed with a calibration (check the manual to see if there’s a procedure). Not sure about the jams, but usually a good cleaning will fix that.

    Ink-jet printers are money pits. Laser printers are superior in just about every way. They cost a little more upfront, but the long-term costs are much, much less than any inkjet. If you only need black and white, you can get a decent laser printer for $100-150. I bought mine in 2014, use it infrequently, and am still on the toner that came with it. Paid $100 for it, and it’s printed every time I’ve needed it for over a decade and going.

    If you need to print color (or photos), color lasers are a bit more expensive but not by much (maybe double the cost of a B&W one). Honestly, though, unless you print pictures all the time, it’s cheaper and easier to just take them somewhere to be printed (or use an online service and have the prints mailed to you).

  • There is no information on sportbots about how many accounts they have listed, but I’m guess it’s in the “high hundreds - low thousands” range.

    That’s way too many bots for people to block. Yes, I’m aware there’s a setting to block all bots, but that’s too all or nothing.

    If you insist on going that route, maybe stand up a dedicated instance like one of the other repost instances (and only post to local communities there) so people can just block that instance.

  • Mostly normal-ish stuff. They just go way overboard on “don’t track/profile me” to an obscenely obnoxious degree.

    If you go to and click on half of the usernames that have posted there, you’ll get an error because it’s that person creating a massive number of burner accounts, making a post, and deleting the account.

    For the AskLemmy/No Stupid Questions/and other communities, I can’t say with 100% certainty it’s the same person, but the profile fits.

    It’s somewhat normalized to use a secondary account if you wanna ask something dumb and not have it associated with your main account, but most people don’t delete the account immediately afterward and check in with a new alt soon after, so I’m wanting to say it’s the same person.

  • There’s several different burner account trolls:

    1. A long-tern persistent actual troll. Code name: “that guy”. They pop up every so often and spew a bunch of racist garbage. They act like they’re Professor Chaos, but we just ban them and move on with our day.
    2. A medium-term persistent troll. Code name: AntiYanks. They’re not as racist as “that guy” but pretty much only exist to stir up drama and derail things. Again, ban and move on.
    3. There’s a tinfoil nutjob who creates disposable accounts every 2-3 hours, makes their posts/comments, and deletes the account. They’re mostly benign, but abusing the platform and causing a lot of useless junk accounts to accumulate fediverse wide. They tend to be most active in Comic Strips, Memes, No Stupid Questions, and Ask Lemmy, though they’re not exclusive to those communities.

  • Pair Drop

    Quickly send files, paste images/text snippets between devices.

    I’m using the older Snapdrop (which PD was forked from) with some patches I made to:

    • Work behind Authelia for SSO + 2FA
    • Use the display name provided by Authelia instead of the random usernames it gives out by default
    • Send transfers over the internet without dealing with the temporary “rooms” that Pairdrop uses (it’s behind Authelia, so only authorized users can get to it).

    It has 100% replaced emailing things to myself or shuffling files to/from Nextcloud. I probably use it to send text (URLs, clipboard contents, etc) to/from my phone as much as I use it for sending files back and forth.