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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I didn’t say 1/5? I just said definitely longer. But I’ll say it doesn’t need to be 5x the price of Chrono trigger. I’m happy it looks nice and is a good remake but it should be like half that price at most.

    Also, idk reviews saying 10 hours so idk if it’s easier and shorter with the remake or if they’ve already played it this time is shorter, or they’re exaggerating but 14 to 24 (which almost doubles if you want to play all the endings, and then idk how much the added content adds but it’s more than 0 hours.)

  • I mean, it has fast travel points. It has cross sever interaction (mega servers). The dungeon finder needs work for sure. It’s definitely playable as a solo experience and when other people show up it isn’t bad. Not lining up to kill a mob as anyone who hits it gets credit. No sharing resource deposits so you don’t get upset if someone else is mining shit while you are. They’ve done an okay job at making endgame more accessible with strikes and challenge modes recently, though if you want pure endgame it’s likely not the game for you. But from what the poster had said, it has almost everything they asked for.

  • More that now that patches are easy to implement across any platform you don’t have to ship something that works well day 1 anymore, nor does it need everything that should be out at release. Often that means people release a game well before it should have released and charge full price for a game that is literally incomplete. Great example would be No Man’s Sky which was “complete” (based on their advertisements) maybe 3 years ago(whenever they implemented actual multiplayer finally)? And came out 7 years ago.

  • It’s not “here to stay” it’s a feature that is used or not used depending on the level of realness wanted. Some are fine with hand waving away encumbrance, some are not.

    If you’re playing a walking simulator, it is kinda part of the immersion.

    If you’re running around killing every Greek god under the Sun, but suddenly you pick up your 7th weapon that’s just chains with something at the end of it, and BOOM you can’t move anymore cuz your too heavy, then it’s getting in the way. Instead of implementing encumbrance they just, limit you to 6 weapons and tada, they could explain it as “it’s too much weight” but they won’t give you the option for it to happen as slowing you down would kill the pace and feel of the game.

    Baldurs gate is a DND based CRPG and Starfield is a loadscreenwalking simulator. Of course they have encumbrance.